The Holiday No Added Sugar Challenge

Since July 2, 2022, I have been losing weight very gradually.  Back then, I weighed, a very unhealthy, 312.2 lbs and my body fat percentage was approximately 33%…definitely obese.  Over time, I’ve been able to drop that weight to what I weigh today…288.81 lbs with an approximate body fat percentage of 26.7%…which is a vast improvement.  My goal is to one day reach 250.7 lbs with a 16.7% fitness body fat percentage.  Over the past couple of months, this has become increasingly difficult, and, via tracking my diet, I have been able to figure out why. 

Confession time…I have a very unhealthy addiction to sugar.  It’s so bad that it’s akin to alcoholism.

Incidentally, I learned just how much sugar and alcohol are related by watching this lecture by Pediatric Endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig. If you have a spare 90 minutes, I urge you to watch it. It’s pretty awesome!

Sugar: The Bitter Truth - YouTube

I thought I was conquering my sugar addiction, but I can never seem to fully kick the habit.  After much thought, I figured I would apply the same method I have used for the past two years in order to lose weight…challenging myself. 

Those who know me, know that I am always up for a good challenge, especially if it improves my health in some way.  I’ve also heard of people going on 4 week no sugar challenges before, which I love the idea, but there’s one thing that bothers me.  I don’t think it’s much of a challenge during most of the year, because for 48 weeks of the year, it’s kind of easy to avoid sugar, because it’s not being constantly presented to you.

So if I’m really going to conquer my sugar addiction, and prove that I can truly resist sugar on most days it’s presented to me, then I have to do a no sugar challenge during the one time of the year when sugar is just unbelievably everywhere…the holidays.  Hence, I am about to partake in the toughest challenge of my life…

The first part of this, is Saturday after Thanksgiving, I have to go through my kitchen and purge it of anything which falls into one of the afore mentioned categories. 

Sugar actually comes in many forms. Here are just some of the main ones…

This photo comes from an amazing buzzfeed article. Click on the photo to read it!

So far, some of the weirdest things I’ve found in my kitchen which contain added sugars are bread, Trader Joe’s tuna wraps, TJ’s Turkey meatloaf and TJ’s Chicken Sausage. 

So if you interact with me in any way over the holidays, please don’t offer me any sweets.  Just think of it as offering a recovering alcoholic a drink.  😉

I pray that I can do this, because I have a non-food related prize for myself at the end if I can.  Those who know me, also know how much I love Spider-Man.  I mean, this is the first thing you see when you enter my apartment…

Back in 2018, the awesome folks at Insomniac Games released the best Spider-Man game I’ve ever played.  Spider-Man for the PS4.  They followed with a sequel, Spider-Man Miles Morales. Well, if I can complete the Holiday No Sugar Challenge, then my prize is the third in the series, and the video game I’ve been waiting for over the past four years…

And who knows, maybe this will also result in me getting to my final weight goal of 250.7 lbs as well, which comes with a non-food related prize too (which you all get to find out if I can get there). 

What’s in the box man?! WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!?!?!

Wish me luck!     

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